Even More Stories


You want to hear something pretty scary? How about this... About 4yrs ago I was going to bed pretty late for a school night, midnight. I specifically remember looking at the time when setting my alarm. At that time I use to sleep with my hands folded accross my chest forming almost a perfect X. I was also sleeping on my right side faced away from my open door. The lights were all out except for the glow through my doorway and I was slowly drifting off to sleep. Just when I seemed to slip out of conciousness I was rudely awakened by someone holding both of my hands and shaking them vigorously. I was alarmed and in a panic when I found that I could not open my eyes nor could I open my mouth. I was frozen still and mumbling trying to scream but I could not. And in the middle of it all I heard a voice. The voice sounded like a child, my little brothers voice to be specific. I knew that it was not my brother, because we had been seperated for almost ten years. Yet the voice sounded like his voice did when he was 4yrs. old. The voice repeated, "Nikki, wake up, Come on Nikki wake up." The voice was like a child for only a few verses and then it became deeper and louder. The voice lost the angelic tone and became like the beast. Finally, the ghost let go off my hands in a jerking motion. I could hear the foot steps skipping around my bed in light pitter-patters going around one side to the open door. About that time I was able to open my eyes and mouth, I turned and saw the glimpse of a little boy skipping out of my doorway. I was shook up and unbelieving when I looked at the clock and it was only 12:10. I had only been "asleep" for roughly ten minutes. That is not even long enough for your body to go into R.E.M, the dream state. My little brother is very much alive and living in another state, we were seperated after our parents divorce. I have no explaination for this scary awakening, only that this was not my first encounter with the unknown and I doubt it will be my last.
